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Project Preparation

We work with investigators to prepare the data analysis plan for a particular project using the proper analytic techniques to best account for data distributions, structure, and research questions.

Data Management

We take the data in whatever form it is available and prepare it for analysis with sophisticated software. Detailed logs of decisions, coding, and formatting will be kept and available for review.

Statistical Analysis

  • Multiple Regression (with continuous binary, nominal, and count outcomes) 

  • Multilevel Modeling (when data have a clustered design)

  • Growth Curve Modeling

  • Path Analysis/Structural Equation Modeling

  • Factor Analysis and Principal Components

  • Survival Analysis (for time to event outcomes)

  • Test Construction, Survey Design, and Sample Weights

  • Experimental Designs (ANOVA/ANCOVA/MANOVA/MANCOVA)

  • Longitudinal Designs

  • Categorical Data Analysis

Report Preparation

Once the data are analyzed, NW Statistician will translate the Greek to English! We will prepare the text for your report in a way you are able to understand the implications of your research, and for you to be able to explain it to your audience. Graphs and tables will be generated that are publication-ready. We aim to satisfy your reviewers.

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